Digital Marketing
Team Skills Audit

A NEW free tool by Girls in Marketing to help those who manage teams understand their skillset and navigate their professional development journey

From emerging trends and new platforms to advancements in technology and industry news, the world of marketing never stops turning.

As someone who leads a team, it’s crucial for them to continue to stay up to date and continue to build on their skill set to stay competitive. 

That’s why we’ve created our Digital Marketing Team Skills Audit.

Did you know...

Icon of a lightbulb inside of a cog


...of people believe that the skill required for their roles has changed completely over the past decade

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...of Marketing Week’s Career & Salary 2024 survey say they weren’t offered the chance to upskill to address the skills gap

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...of employers estimate that workers’ skills will be disrupted in the next five years due changing expectations

What is the Digital Marketing Team Skills Audit?

As you already know, digital marketing is always changing, and it’s essential for you to understand your team’s capabilities to stay competitive. 

As a leader whether you’re a Marketing Manager, Team Leader, Head of Marketing, or Director – the Digital Marketing Skills Audit is here to make your life easier. 

 This tool offers a clear path for professional growth and aids leaders to craft professional development plans that actually work, ensuring your team thrives in the industry!

Why did we create this tool?

At Girls in Marketing, we understand how difficult it can be for marketing teams to keep up with our ever-changing industry. 

As a manager, we also know how precious your time is and how committed you are to driving your team forward and staying competitive.

That’s why we’ve created the Digital Marketing Skills Audit, it only takes 10 minutes and is designed to:

If you manage a team...

The world of marketing is always changing, and as a marketing leader, it’s important to ensure that your team continues learning to maintain their competitive edge.

And, our Digital Marketing Skills Audit is designed to help you do just that. 

With our Digital Marketing Skills Audit you’ll get:

  • A comprehensive insight into your team’s capabilities and skills gaps
  • Actionable recommendations and advice for upskilling
  • A customised skills gap report to strategically guide your team’s learning journey

We’ll ask you a series of questions about your team based on each digital marketing skill.  Please be honest throughout to get the most accurate and personalised results. 

The tool aims to help you further understand your team’s capabilities and provide you with resources and advice to help you support your teams professional development!

The Girls in Marketing
Team Membership Package

Gives your team access to our learning platform and community for marketers providing accessible and interactive education, with our monthly and annual memberships.

Invest in your team’s growth with us, and be the leader who champions growth and opportunity.

Join us to empower your team by developing their marketing skills through our platform of hundreds of marketing resources, courses, networking opportunities and more!