E-A-T explained: What you need to know

Let’s talk about E-A-T. This is a hugely important topic in SEO, often mentioned, yet many are still in the dark about what this acronym is all about. The fact is: it’s centred around rankings and getting those top spots. Time to delve into more depth.

What does it stand for?

E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. It might sound like nothing more than marketing jargon, but it’s pivotal when it comes to Google’s Quality Raters Guidelines.

What’s E-A-T all about?

Highest ‘quality’ pages and websites are determined by Google in terms of high expertise, authority and trustworthiness. If you’re wondering why you should care,  it’s because quality is vital for ranking well on Google. Creators need to be aware that in order to perform, content needs to prove it can demonstrate these 3 factors. It’s not just about a specific piece of content alone, but the website as a whole. Particularly when it comes to industries like the finance and health sectors, E-A-T is hugely significant.

Let’s break it down

Here’s an overview of the three ingredients Google uses to determine quality:


The more you can show you’re an expert in your field, the better. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to have famous names or authors attached to your content. But, you do need to ensure it’s useful and relevant to the user. Tips for showing expertise include:
  • Reviews, comment sectors, discussions and ratings can all help – ask your users for them
  • Find what your audience is searching for with keyword research, then ensure your content meets their needs
  • Aim to make your content more in-depth and useful than the competition
  • Consider your user’s preferences every step of the way
  • Get a good understanding of search intent
  • Format text in a digestible, accessible way
  • Link to other relevant content, considering the next queries your audience may have


Your site needs to demonstrate authority in your particular field. Credentials and certifications are key for this, as is the expertise of those writing the content. Here’s some advice:
  • Gain quality backlinks from other sites
  • Encourage the  sharing and discussion of your content on social media
  • Build a brand name that people will search for
  • Brand mentions, even without a link, on other sites are also beneficial for SEO
  • Link out to high-authority sites


Particularly for eCommerce websites, proving trustworthiness is vital. Users need to know their card details and information is safe. However, it’s important for all sites, especially when asking for people’s data. Ensure users feel safe at all times when using your website. Here are some top tips:
  • Make contact pages simple and easy to find
  • Have clear refund and returns policies
  • Have accessible T&Cs pages
  • Ensure HTTPS is implemented correctly
  • Include detailed descriptions, including safety information, if selling products.

Put your user first

Essentially, E-A-T is all about the user. But, you need to follow Google’s rules. Having to demonstrate factors like ‘expertise’ might sound daunting. However, it’s easier than you may think. You’re likely already doing many things that give you a good quality score without even realising. Written by Heleana Neil

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