Webinar: Leadership Skills for New Managers with monday.com

Being a new manager is exciting, you want to perform well and make sure to get the most out of your team. However, the transition from being a team member (with possibly no management experience) to a manager, can feel a little daunting. Join our webinar in partnership with monday.com on 30th May to learn […]

Webinar: Hack Your Cycle for Productivity at Work with Sarah Elisabeth Wilkinson

Did you know that you can use the four phases of your menstrual cycle as a productivity tool? If you've ever wondered why some days you feel unmotivated, lower in energy and find it difficult to concentrate, but on others, you're bursting with energy and you're excited to get to your 'to do' list, it […]

Webinar: The Art of Communicating Like a Leader

Clear communication is the cornerstone of effective leadership. By recognising the diverse ways in which people express themselves, shaped by their backgrounds and experiences, leaders can better connect with their teams. Everyone has their own unique way of communicating in the professional world. By identifying and sharpening our personal style, we pave the way for […]

Empowering One-Person Marketing Teams: Strategies, Skills, and Success

Are you navigating the marketing world by yourself as a one-person marketing team, juggling to create and manage marketing campaigns and strategies or generally, just trying to wear all of the hats and spin every plate possible? It's hard out here for one-person marketing teams. But we're here to help you manage it all. It's […]