How to start a career in marketing

Looking to start a career in marketing? Now is the time. 

Marketing is one of the fastest growing industries and is set to be worth a jaw-dropping market value of $671.86 by 2028

That being said, it’s no surprise that there’s an increasing demand for marketing professionals. And with a wide range of digital marketing jobs available there’s so much to choose from depending on your interests and expertise. 

As one of the most accessible industries, there are a variety of routes you can take when it comes to starting your marketing career. Whether you’re finishing school or looking to switch careers, you can find a route that works for you (and it doesn’t have to be traditional). 

What are the traditional routes into marketing?

Traditional routes into marketing often involve studying full time, part time whilst in employment, or on the job training. 

Marketing at university is a business focused degree. No course will look the same, so make sure you know what to consider when choosing a university for marketing

Maybe you’d prefer a hands-on approach and are keen to gain on the job experience? If that’s the case it could be worth considering an apprenticeship or degree apprenticeship. 

Apprenticeships have become a popular route for people entering the marketing industry providing the opportunity to learn how to plan, develop, and implement digital campaigns across relevant platforms. A degree apprenticeship allows you to study for and gain an undergraduate degree whilst working full time. Figures for the latest academic year show a 9.3% increase in those starting a degree apprenticeship. Employers are increasingly seeing the value in recruiting apprentices as a productive way of creating a skilled and diverse workforce. 

Can I become a marketer without a degree?

Whilst having a degree is valuable, you don’t need one to progress into and have a successful career in marketing. 

What you will need is a strong foundation of knowledge, an understanding of essential skills, and a desire to learn. Luckily, there are lots of resources available to help you expand your skill set and gain experience.

Here at Girls in Marketing, we’re often asked about starting a career in marketing so we’re sharing some of our top pieces of advice with you. 

Create your own opportunities 

We’re a huge advocate for creating your own opportunities, don’t wait for them to show up. Writing a blog, starting a social media page, volunteering for a charity or helping with a friend’s small business are just some ways you can gain valuable work experience. By doing so you’re showing potential employers that you can take initiative and are willing to work hard whilst creating your own digital portfolio. 

Look for online marketing resources

A good way to expand your knowledge, skill set, and boost your employability, is to take advantage of online marketing resources. This could be taking courses, earning certifications or joining professional memberships like The Girls in Marketing membership. 

Whether you’re looking to brush up on the basics of digital marketing or learn more about SEO, there are thousands of online resources available catering to career level and specialisms. 

Don’t forget to highlight your transferable skills 

No matter what you’ve done before, you’ll have a set of transferable skills. These are core skills and abilities that are adaptable and can be applied to a wide range of different jobs and industries. From career beginners to career changers, you’ll have a wealth of knowledge and desirable skills that can help you in your marketing career. 

Want to know more on starting a career in marketing? Then why not check out The Girls in Marketing Podcast for tips and tricks on how to get started in the industry, as well as digital marketing news and expert advice from marketing professionals.