5 marketing trends to focus on in 2023

It’s almost time to say farewell to another year and welcome in a new year filled with new marketing trends and lots of opportunities. In the past 12 months, we’ve seen the growth of different marketing trends, some of which will remain in 2022 and others that will be around for many years to come. From new social media apps focused on being ‘in the now’ to the growth of AR as an immersive shopping experience, a lot has happened this year.

We’ve been thinking about which marketing trends have had the most impact on consumers in the past 12 months and which are going to be most important in 2023. 

Remember, we’re all on our own marketing journeys so what works for one marketer, may not be right for you. However, here are our 5 marketing trends to focus on and include in your marketing strategies in 2023. Let’s dive in!

Short-form video

With the rise of TikTok, Instagram reels and even YouTube shorts, there’s no getting away from the power of short-form video.

It’s becoming increasingly important for brands to adapt their marketing efforts to keep up with consumers’ preferences when it comes to consuming content. With a growing appetite for short and snappy videos, brands need to rethink the content that they’re creating to ensure that they capture their audience’s attention in the first 3 seconds of the video. Your video could be the most high-spec, well produced piece of content on the internet but if nobody is sticking around to watch it, you’ve got a problem!

If you’re new to this type of content or just want to level up your TikTok game, seek some inspiration from 5 brands that are killing their TikTok marketing strategies.

Personal Branding and Employee Advocacy

‘Personal brand’ is a fairly new term, with many employees, freelancers and business owners deciding to put time into developing theirs.

Personal branding can benefit both individuals and also the company they work for. Encouraging your team to build their personal brands and supporting them in doing so is a great way to turn employees into advocates whose positive messages about your products, company and industry will be seen by their respective audiences.

Employee advocacy as a marketing strategy can humanise your brand, helping to build trust with your customers. However, it must be optional, not mandatory, in order for it to be authentic. Teaching your employees how to build a personal brand will be more effective than forcing them to say nice things about you.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has been around for a few years now and there’s no sign of it going anywhere anytime soon. We predict is will continue to be one of the most important marketing trends in 2023. However, the types of influencer marketing campaigns that consumers are looking for are more important than ever. 

Rather than focusing on quantity, brands should be thinking about the quality of their influencer campaigns by focusing on building long-term influencer relationships and working with influencers who share their values and audience demographics. 

More than half of customers said that they stopped purchasing from a brand due to their trust being broken and inauthentic and poorly planned influencer campaigns are a sure-fire way to break your customers’ trust.

The key to successful influencer marketing in 2023 will be authenticity. Identify the right influencers for your brand and ensure that you stand out for the right reasons.

User Generated Content (UGC)

User generated content is nothing new but it’s a very useful asset to have in your digital marketing toolkit.

79 percent of people say user-generated content highly impacts their purchasing decisions meaning that if you’re not encouraging your customers to create user generated content, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity!

So, how do you encourage user generated content? Your customers are far more likely to share positive experiences with your brand if you give them a clear and obvious reason to. Here are some ways that you can increase your chances of generating UGC:

1. Focus on excellent customer service at every brand touchpoint

Consumers are most likely to share stories about either terrible customer service experiences or exceptional ones. Make sure you’re being talked about for the latter!

2. Prompt your customers to share their experiences

Here are some examples of how you can create your own UGC opportunities:

  • If you are sending a physical product, add a handwritten note with the delivery that will delight your customer and make them want to share it with their friends.
  • When a customer completes a virtual course with you, send them a badge that they can share on their LinkedIn profile.
  • After you close a deal with a B2B client, send them a welcome hamper that they may tell their colleagues about.

It’s all in the small details so make sure you’re doing everything you can to generate UGC!


According to the 2023 Instagram Trend Report, sustainability is a key issue for Gen Z. Companies are no longer solely judged on their products and services, consumers also consider their values, morals and the actions they take on issues such as sustainability and equality and diversity.

In order for your brand to win customers, you’ll need to prove that your company is doing what it can to be sustainable in its production, packaging and sourcing of materials.

The best way to show that your brand is sustainable is to ensure that you’re leading with data, insights and proof. Build your message on the facts and ultimately, be transparent about your goals. Consumers appreciate honesty so make sure you’re not using greenwashing in your marketing.

Don’t forget to focus on the basics

It’s all well and good predicting the most important marketing trends for 2023, but if we haven’t got a handle on the basics, nothing else will matter.

Before setting out to generate copious amounts of new UGC and planning out 10 new influencer campaigns, take stock of what you’re already doing and make sure you’re doing it well.

Make sure your marketing skills are up to scratch, by joining the Girls in Marketing Membership to gain access to webinars, resources and courses designed by marketing experts.