Email segmentation: What is it and how do you start?

Do you know how to segment your email list? For most people, email marketing is one of the most difficult marketing channels to successfully grow. Understanding how email works and […]
4 of the best marketing campaigns by Coca Cola

Did you know that the red and white Coca-Cola logo is recognised by 94% of the world’s population? There is no denying that Coca-Cola is one of the most acknowledged […]
Email marketing 101: Growing your email subscriber list

You may not think it, but email marketing is still very much on the rise. With 4 billion daily email users expected to rise to 4.6 billion daily users in […]
The best Easter marketing campaigns of all time

Easter is an egg-cellent time for brands to get creative with their marketing campaigns and fight for the consumer’s attention. From ‘How Not To Eat’ your easter egg campaigns to […]
How to practice copywriting skills in digital marketing

Digital copywriting is, arguably, the most important skill in your marketing toolkit. Whether you’re writing for B2B or B2C, it is highly likely that your leads, conversions and sales will […]
The best brand campaigns of 2021

Christmas music is seeping out of our radios and it’s getting chillier by the day. The countdown to New Year is officially on. It’s been a busy year in the […]
Reactive marketing: The best campaigns explained

The crowd of brands seeking recognition on and offline is only growing more and more every day. Brands are learning that to be seen, they need to be on top […]
Musts to include in your email marketing strategy

Having an email marketing strategy is so in fashion, marketer. Whether you’re ordering a gift for a loved one using a handy discount code or reading an insightful newsletter, emails […]
A beginner’s guide to email marketing on Pinterest

As an online business owner, chances are, you have heard about the power of building an email list as a marketing avenue for your online business. In fact, in a […]
How offline marketing channels can boost online performance

In the marketing world, we all like to talk about how digital is the future; after all, it’s generally cheaper than offline marketing channels. Yet, it has benefits, from in-depth […]